What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal

At Astoria Laser Clinic & Med Spa, we are driven by innovation and safety to help you achieve the best results possible. Experience the invigorating art of skin rejuvenation like never before!

Laser hair removal is serious business! You wouldn’t go to a plumber to receive medical attention, so why should a clinical procedure involving lasers be any different? For the best and safest experience, your laser hair removal specialist in Vienna, Va. should have plenty of experience and also have the proper certification to administer treatments like ours do.

We have multiple lasers

There are multiple types of lasers for hair removal. Some lasers work best on lighter skin, and some on dark. Some produce results with fewer treatments but are more intense, and some require more treatments and are safer.

Your laser hair removal specialist should be familiar with the various types of lasers, so that they can accurately assess whether you will be a good candidate for hair removal based on the type of lasers they use. Depending on the amount of pigmentation in your skin, as well as the color of the unwanted hair, they should be able to tell you whether the laser they use will be effective for producing the results you want to see. And at Astoria, we do!

We give you realistic expectations

Here’s the deal – laser hair removal isn’t for everyone, and your laser removal specialist in Vienna, Va. should know that. But, when your skin and hair tones are a match for the type of laser used, we will give you a realistic expectation for how many treatments it will take to achieve your results. This isn’t to say that quoting more is necessarily better!

Schedule a consultation

If you’re considering laser hair removal, the best thing to do is to talk with your provider to determine what your plan might look like based on your personal features and goals. For a helpful consultation to answer these questions and more, call us today at 703-992-9290, or book a consultation online and how laser hair removal can get you hair free and carefree in time for shorts season to return!

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